Monday, December 26, 2005

A word about Rumi...

well, below i've posted a favorite poem of mine by Rumi. granted, some things must have been lost in the translation, but i expect that his work is just as elusive in Arabic.
I suggest that you read it several times (if you feel like reading it at all) and think about it for a bit... then, if you wouldn't mind, i'd like to know what you think of it.
ah, yes, and for those of you who don't know, Inshallah translates into "God willing". it's Arabic, yes, but you will hear many people in the Middle East say it (persians, for example) - islam is all about submission you see.
anyway, so yeah, i certainly don't know what it means, and am quite confused as to why i like it at all... but here it is.
~ t.h.

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