Monday, December 26, 2005

Bravery or Fraud?

That title's not supposed to mean anything to most of you by the way.. so don't worry if it's more of a question mark for you than a laugh, thinking: i'll get her for this.... (and if you are thinking that you'll get me.. well, read on, and here's my thought for you: good luck!!! ;) )


my question today has to do with music. i've been thinking bout this matter for a while. i mean, for a while, i really wanted to pursue music as a career... hehe, unfortunately for that plan, God wills other things for me. however, some around me have pursued this, and well, my own mother is an artist (a brilliant one at that, want to see her work? email me). but i've always wondered at what gives power to music and to art.
there's this one piece (well, it's more along the pop genre so i hate to call it "piece" or "work" hehe, but i have nothing else.. it's like 2AM, sorry, folks!) that i got introduced to this past summer. we won't mention its name, but those involved in this story will know who they are... the friend that gave me a copy of it, well, i mean, the song really hit home for both of us... what's funny is this: i got another friend to listen to it yesterday, and this friend was like: it's total crap. well, i consider him sorta an expert in music, so i'm thinking, that's interesting, crap. so it got me to thinking: what makes it different for me? why does this song strike me.. and let me say, it's pretty bad, the song starts playing and you might as well just find a little corner for me and say: see ya in an hour...
so it got me to thinking...
(if my old English teachers could see how often i use the elipsis i think they'd have a crise cardiac! and yes, they'd all have the same heart attack. hehe)
i don't know if i'm explaining this well. perhaps it's like this: take the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (great book, by the way, i recommend it to you all!) or the Harry Potter series... many of us will love those books, but others won't and for different reasons. i personally find HHGG to be hilarious, and a true work of art, but then, others will not.
that brings me to my next thought... why can a book make someone laugh? it's merely an inanimate object with ink all over it... possibly some color... and it may form images... i mean, c'mon.. there's no real reason why it should cause someone to laugh, right?
anyway, so i was talking to sam about this.. whom i take all the heavy, deep questions of life to (mostly cuz she'll put up with my stupid questions and cuz we think alike - speedy gonzalez is MY line, ST!) and we came to the conclusion (or rather, she told me it, and i was like: is this a good example, and she agreed so therefore...) that music triggers memories and/or emotions (i still want to know what emotions are, really.. cuz our more primitive emotions, such as "rage" are actually controled by the hypothalamus - if i remember my physiology correctly...)
actually, if i may.. this has been all over the map.. and it's also like 3AM now (no, i haven't been writing the entire time... msn's been distracting me....) so, well, basically: why does music affect us? and, here's a thought: how and why do we classify music as great or crap? (what makes mozart so great and spice girls crap? - i'm not saying that mozart's NOT great.... but why do we classify him so? and, if any of you were considering spice girls as actual music: quit reading this blog. it isn't your type.)

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