Monday, December 26, 2005

more thoughts on bravery and fraud...

alright, so i apologize to the poor bloke who's conversations i'm raggin on tonight... i'm sure we can discuss my actions after you've read this and decided to tell me to go to hell..

i've had several people say to me that it takes a lot of courage/bravery/whatever to post thoughts like this on the net. my thoughts in this blog are the following: what in God's Names (it strikes me that we often say Name, singular, but really, the plural form is more true) ever gave you that idea?
i had this english teacher back in high school... a lot of the students hated him, but a few of us geeks... we loved him. and the reason was simple: he made us think. we'd read something and he'd really take us into it.. almost too far, i think sometimes; however, he'd do it. and he'd say things to us, and ask us questions, and make us argue back and forth... and he'd often get this grin on his face... in retrospect, i think those were probably at the points in our discussions when one of us would make an argument that he agrees with, but would never tell us so...
over the years, i've learnt to emulate him in many ways... present ideas and concepts and arguments that disgust me, but i'm going to show anyway...
for example, i might argue here, in favor of euthansia, or whatever... and i might even use anecdotes and little conversations to back up or explain my argument or my question or whatever.. but what makes you think it's my actual opinion?
one person i said this to, replied, quite correctly, that those who don't know me well will take me for what they see. she's right, to an extent. the thing is, however, that you can't, to use a cliche, judge a book by its cover. take me for what you see: a messed up kid, questioning society and its BS and happening to write about it while she's at it. oh, and add this to the melange, and it'll really screw you over... do you really think that this little investigation of mine ends with this blog?
now, i submit to you the following: we all have a responsibility in this world to investigate truth for ourselves (whether or not you agree this statement is not for you to question - it's a fact, get over it). so investigate it. the next time you think, oh, tahereh's doing great and putting her emotions on the line, look deeper, and see me for what i really am: a damned good fake.
a friend once described himself as an impenetrable tower. while i hate phallic symbolism, this one is too good to pass up! he may be impenetrable, but mine... it's so well guarded and fortified... i have to tell you about it before you notice it.
hehehehe, and that's my fun thought of the day!

tomorrow: new poem.. this time by none other than Rumi himself!


Anonymous said...

the question is Tah, why have you made yourself so fortified and inpenetrable? why does society make us want to hide from our own selves?

your humble servant said...

i don't think it's a matter of hiding from our own selves, sam. i, personally, do sometimes want to do that, but unfortunately my conscience lives in the same place as my mind... quite disgusting, really.. hehehe. however, when it comes to society, it demands that we build mini towers. and the stronger your tower, the further you'll get in this life. (note again, phallic symbolism.. the more virile you are, the higher up the corporate ladder you'll get, which in a capitalist societ = success... feel free to argue. but don't waste your breath!) so, if you want to survive in this competitive world, you have to play the game. you can choose not to, and have one hell of a life fighting a losing battle, or you can get over the situation and move on with life.
now, i can just see one of my friends reading this and shaking her head... "be the change you want to see" ... the key, i think, is fortifying yourself all the way to the top, and keeping yourself from becoming everything that you find disgusting about this society.
does that make any sense?