Thursday, April 05, 2007

right so i forgot to say...

for those of you who actually read this blog and then go so far as to read the comments, you may have noticed comments regarding monkey sex and its funniness. after hearing back from the involved parties about the situation which led to comments regarding monkey sex i feel it my duty to write a message to you.
the situation in question involved an analysis of canadian blood services' recent questionnaire change. the new questionnaire makes some interesting assumptions. i'm not too sure what conclusions they can draw from the form; however, i did check out the info sheet on "what you need to know to give blood". it would seem that they are now being precautious to the extent of discrimination. now, i won't go into the details - i suggest you take a look at it for yourself, it's really quite funny.. but one of the questions on the questionnaire is if you have ever worked with monkeys or come into contact with the bodily fluids of monkeys in your past or present job. hence, the monkey sex.
i find it amusing to think that cbs needs to ask such interesting questions in such public places as the tunnel at my university - could you imagine sitting in a hallway with hundreds of students bustling by, your friends standing around you and you checking off a box and the nurse being like "i'm sorry, you don't fit our criteria for eligible blood donors" for a reason such as you having been in France. amazing.
excuse me if i'm not surprised at why we don't have enough donors - i'm suprised that we have
any donors at all! the way the questionnaire is set up - i am barely eligible because i've been travelling outside of canada (not including the US) in the past 3 years - yeah, like inner city NYC is safer than a little irish village.
anyway, so ends my rant...

the above all being said, i understand that cbs is trying to cut back on cost of testing blood and throwing away infected blood, etc - and promoting the health of those individuals requiring blood, which really could be any of us. my purpose in the above commentary is merely that i find the subject of their questions and their implications rather curious and i am stating that. that is all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't know why Canadian Blood Services (CBS) even asks questionaires... everyone lies (Dr. Gregory House says so!). I mean, it's sad to say it... but even university students are poor enough to lie about their blood in order to get the free cookies on the other side of the clinic!