Friday, April 13, 2007

well, i must say....

that i am very much wanting to write but never having much to say.... it's like filling radio silence. i was on my friend's radio show once.... and i was at a total loss for what to say, so i was like don't tell them i'm here! needless to say, i was introduced, i said a very lenthy "hullo" and then quickly gave her a track to play (oh harry and the potters! *tear*) this is kinda like that - you see a blank screen and you think, what the heck am i going to do with this.... unfortunately for both you and i.... the answer is not much. sigh

anyway, i'm at school right now, in the main library - frustrated out of my mind that i got locked out of the building that houses my locker and one of my reserve textbooks. baaah tell me: what kind of university shuts down at 5pm during final examinations and then proceeds to lock doors to its health sciences building?! you'd think they'd care about the med and dent students more than the arts students (the arts building is still open). and extended hours - i laugh at your lame attempt to convince me of that.. here i am, sitting in the main library with arts students who spend more time laughing and watching videos (without headphones) than studying... you know what? i'm going home. with a 3 year old and parents on my case - even my house is quieter and less hectic than these people.

i have other less appropriate words for this university... but i'll end this blogpost here.

and they wonder why we get such low grades... IDIOTS!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

teh grrrz!