Monday, February 13, 2006

oh valentine's day...

well, today is the day before that oh-so-horrible day... valentine's... disgusting really... the most pointless of all holidays... well, perhaps there are more pointless ones.... no, actually, i can't think of any just now..
in any case... you all know the usual characteristics about this time of the year... disunity.... anxiety... pain... commercialism... pressure... depression, as well, probably. i find this all very fascinating...
i, personally, barely remembered that vday was this week - until my friend aired a radio show that was basically an "ode to vday".. and well, this same friend keeps on reminding me about it... and while her and i are quite similar, i guess on this point we differ... whch is interesting because i really don't know what to attribute it to. i'm not any more calm, cool or collected.. and i certainly do not have her confidence about life... so i can't figure it out.
in any case, i find this quite fascinating... that a holiday so secular we no longer know its true roots - or even have much of a myth to go by - can have such an influence over us that we actually think that on this one day everything should be about romance and love.
i know what you're going to say to that... it's my first thought as well. our society is quite commercial and consumerist and vday is merely another commercial break... however, i do wonder if there is more to it. because with this day... you either hate it or you love it - and you can cross between the black and white so that if a person hates it one year, they might love it the next.. just depending on their life situation.
anyway.... it's way too early in the morning for me to be any more thoughtful than i am...


s said...

t!!! I got your email last week. We need to do a settlers night soon!

Anonymous said...

Actually, some people can tell you the history of independance day. Beginning with the festival of Lupercalia in ancient Rome on Feb 15th, was a celeberation of the god of fertility, Lupercus. Developing into a raunchy holiday where young boy and girls would pair off and do the dirty, a pope in the 5th century created St.Valentine's day, a seemingly more chaste celebration of commited lovers. So named after a one of the st.Valentines: War had been declared and the Emperor wanted all those young strapping single men off to go form tortoises and unleash mangonels against the barbarian hordes therefore no marriages! But ol' St. Val didn't like that so he did some Romeo'n'Juliets but got the big axe for it. This has been history with jonathon, always entertaining, sometimes actually based on truth.

your humble servant said...

as always, a learning experience when spending time with you, dear jonathon. how wonderful it is to bask in your presence and knowledge! thank you so much.
now, history with haji.
jonathon (b. 570BCE - he's been send down as a demon several times... just watch fallen) is a well known pathological history fabulist. he is currently wanted in several countries (eg. armenia, ireland, and quebec - vive le bloc! - to name a few) for writing that which the public did but did not wish to hear. some will say that this menace to civilized society (i.e. marcotte crescent) is truly ahead of his time... a real innovator when it comes to the question of "true history"; however, this writer contends that there is a difference between "true history" and "wishful thinking".
sadly, 2.5K years later... nothing has changed about this wmd.
but then... when has history ever not repeated itself?