Sunday, October 30, 2005

ok, well, i should be studying for physiology right now, but meh, when have i been one to do what i should be doing??
anyway, so two things....
firstly, i've been studying physiology, and my conclusion is thus: if anyone ever wanted proof of God's existance, all they would have to do is study science. a good, well, how's this, becoming good friend of mine (she'll learn to hate me soon enough!), doesn't agree, but let my comment slide earlier this afternoon. i'm hoping that i'll get a response to the statement above... if not, i'll just take it as one or both of the following: 1. no one reads this blog, so no comment could be made by default; or 2. you all agree with me. prove me wrong.
my second comment for the evening will have to wait... i want to give it good thought... stay tuned though.. it's about university life and living at home.. should be good!
question of the day (if the above wasn't good enough for you!) : why is crash such an ironic film?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well well tahereh i got you to change your settings, niice eheh alrighty well i think i remember what i wanted to say before...i was wondering if you could perhaps back up your statement that science proves that God exists, cause as all of us scientists out there, we know we can't make hyptoheses (k whats the plural of hypothesis? eheh) without having some kind of back up points/evidence! also, wheres the second blog you promised??? tsk tsk, we're falling behind on our blogging duties! ehhe